Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Falling through the rabbit hole and other excuses

I have been absent from these pages for the last few months.  It was not that I wanted to neglect my little blog or my kitchen, but life took a bit of detour and I followed obligingly.  Let me try to explain - I got involved with the organization of a local Christmas Market at my kids' school.  So involved in fact that I was the chief in charge and it being a charity thingy, it meant that I did a lot (as in a lot-a-lot) of the things myself.  It was like falling through the rabbit hole one day in September and only being spit out into life resembling normality at around the middle of December.  

Don't get me wrong, I loved it!  I enjoyed the process and the people and had a blast with some new friends, but boy, it took over our lives.  I had no spare time for weeks and weeks.  None, nada.  So, unfortunately, the blog, the kitchen even the family all became very much neglected.

I will not bore you with the details save for one.  We created all the decor out of plastic bottles collected from the recycle dump at school.  It was by far my favourite part of it all and it taught me a great deal about the possibilities of the things we toss into the bin so carelessly.  

It's a bit early for 2012 resolutions I guess, but mine is simple enough - just to get the camera out and start blogging.  I've spent the last few weeks  finding my feet in normality and doing simple things with family and friends.  Now I have most of my old energy back and think it is time again to bake and blog and share.  See you soon....